It’s a new week friends! That means a fresh start – time to forget about any negativity from last week and time to re-focus on our goals for this week! Last week I posted about getting back into taking a more decorative approach with my bullet journaling and this week I continued that same approach. This is an A5 Bondibook and I’m currently using PaperMate InkJoy Gel 0.7 pens. Yep, I finally jumped on the PaperMate bandwagon after they went on sale at Walmart for Back-to-School. The stickers are some Happy Planner stickers I found during a shopping trip to Hobby Lobby. They were perfect for my needs and included a lot of days, dates, and lots of generic stickers that I can customize to my needs without me having to be super artsy myself. Haha!
So this week is a lot more working out, though I did move my run days. I’ll talk about that in my workout post! The really big events this week include the new Group Fight launch on Monday (WooHoo!!) and, since I turned the magical 4-0 a couple weeks ago, I now have to get my first mammogram! EEK! Along with that will be my semi-annual well-woman check. So hopefully all will be well and I won’t have cervical or breast cancer or anything abnormal. I’ve never had an abnormal pap-smear before but anything can happen – especially as we age!
Speaking of – if you are a woman who is over 40 and you have NOT had a mammogram yet — PLEASE go get one!! I know it’s not fun (painful even) but early detection is critical and can literally save your life! Okay, I’ll get off my soap box now. 😛
So without further adieu, here’s my plan for this week! I’d love to hear what you have on your plate for this week as well so drop me a comment below and let me know how you’re doing! Have you been to the doctor lately? Do you NEED to? 🙂